North Carolina is 


how we fund


Our transportation network is key to helping the traveling public safely and efficiently reach their destinations.

We need a transportation network that can adapt as our population and economy grow and new technologies are developed. Getting there requires stable funding sources, as well as a commitment to listening to our residents’ needs. We need to rethink how we fund transportation —and that’s what AdvaNCe Transportation Together is all about. Today, we largely fund a network of roads, ferries, rails, and trails using revenue from a per-gallon gas tax that drivers pay at the pump, often called the ‘gas tax.’ Because vehicles have a wide range of fuel efficiencies, North Carolina drivers pay different amounts of gas taxes. In fact, some drivers – like electric vehicle drivers – don’t pay a gas tax at all because they don’t need to fill up at the pump.

Greater fuel efficiency reduces harmful emissions. However, as drivers pay less at the pump, there is also less funding available for maintaining and improving our transportation system. As fuel efficiency continues to improve, funding will become even more challenging and less predictable.

As a first step, this website explores potential funding options that could give North Carolina’s transportation a more sustainable, diverse future. As a transportation user in North Carolina, you play an important role in helping us figure out a path forward. Please have a look around, take our survey, and share your thoughts to help us advaNCe transportation together.

You play a key part

in helping our state AdvaNCe.